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tv   [untitled]    September 25, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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tensions will spill over in madrid with dr police charging out of the barricades into a crowd of thousands of spanish indignance decrying the government's all star achieved policy that's. what you're looking at right now is live pictures now from madrid job that protests and we'll be bringing you more of that in the next bulletin. now a series of blasts has had a military academy in the syrian capital damascus with rebels claiming responsibility for the bombing. president obama makes another attempt to distance
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the u.s. from the controversial video which are drage the muslim world as he takes center stage at the u.n. general assembly. plus a water gun games of four adults japan plays battleship before real repelling taiwanese vessels from the disputed islands with water cannons. it's eleven pm here in moscow you're watching r t with us yeah i'm to bang with say first scenes have turned ugly in madrid with riot police charging out of their forty five positions around the spanish parliament and plowing into a vast crowd of protesters flocking to the capital from across spain tens of thousands of demonstrators have joined a rally to express their anger with the government arches jacob reeves who'll be
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joining us again in about fifteen minutes has this report. that we saw the front lawn of the demonstrators clashing with police of injuries and. numbers had to fall its way through this a mass crowd is also being taken away on a stretcher those are stupid. taxes police all checks as well and really we got impression some of the panic felt by those demonstrators as police push the button there are thousands of people they have been to a very small place want to be taken away because now this is the way they did this i think because i have read. the small children as shocking like they say they will be challenged she can cry physically the color of a show but what they do want to do they want to send that message make sure by those and inside all of that and still stare she can see some of the poems that way
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joy that the my i call us that because he's a socialist just now the situation was to get back to paris is this book fits trying to get its message across well i think actually that's the question of whether or not this is worth is a question for the government and for the troika of the european union what you're seeing out here right now is the spanish and by extension the european citizenry reacting against austerity austerity right now is at a level where it's affecting people's daily lives is affecting whether or not people can get medical attention as affecting whether or not people can advance socially through education and social progress what you're seeing is a country where an entire generation is being relegated to a class of immigrants people that have been invested with public money to be educated are now going to move out and generate wealth in other countries that's not a project for a country meanwhile child poverty in spain has increased exponentially still be
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that what can the government do right now to stop this sort of ongoing i think the first thing that the government can do is. call for a referendum on paying back the debt and on the constitutional amendment that they may it's no mistake that these people are gathered here today to talk about the constitution of spain. the constitution that is going around since the transition from the franco is to government and it was always said that it couldn't be touch that it was the basis for what spain is today but they didn't change it without a referendum or even consulting citizenry submitting it to the debate to pay back and illegitimate debt taken on by the private so brainwashed by the state now this is for checks and seen and so on the i'm just being built up for you the job the straight you get out of the events in this country the highest in the euro zone but twenty five percent of the population is particularly pacing the young those aged below twenty five we're seeing them really out in force here at them over it's
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today we are hearing at the moment that potentially there will be an announcement of the budget for next year being announced later this week and may actually be a start when it comes to any more cuts to health care education and what it owes everything. how but public anger in the last couple of months by jacob griefs there reporting in madrid now later in the program we'll look at how the leg of economic recovery elsewhere in europe is threatening to set back life we yes' to come a new study in britain suggests no one in comes along with the away different people pouring in the future there even today in the midst of a stacked. two powerful explosions have rocked a military academy in the syrian capital damascus rebel groups have claimed responsibility saying they're responding to military operations in the city and a middle east correspondent policy is keeping the cross developments. well on
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tuesday morning there were two explosive devices that were planted in the martyr's son's school a military school in the syrian capital of damascus now from the information we have the devices were planted in two separate areas they ruptured causing fire to those parts of the building it's not yet clear the exact number of casualties we certainly hearing that a number of people have been injured the early reports that scores of people have been injured and killed we know that fire did erupt in two separate parts of the building and also early reports of an explosion near the airport it is believed that the attack was carried out because it was suspected that there were intelligence officers or security officers inside the building now to rebel groups have come forward to take responsibility for this attack the one is the revolutionary council in damascus that has links with al qaida it is a group that is seeking the overthrow of the syrian president bashar assad a group that is also against dialogue and in a statement that it issued it's said that this attack was in response to the syrian
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army's operations in the syrian capital and now for months there have been fighting between the syrian troops as well as opposition forces in the capital city of damascus as well as in the country's second largest city of aleppo the fighting has continued since last year march with the daily casualty count continuing to climb. the rebels a leg of the trust of syrians anyway so it's safe for them to admit to terrorism says dr ali mohamed editor in chief of the sarah tribe young media channel. well it's only suggests that they are not shy anymore about their actual terrorist nature these guys have been blaming the government for everything and since nobody believes them anymore it seems that they decided to claim responsibility and the second thing is that this should have a great impact on the public opinion in syria and it did long ago because everybody knows that it's terrible that our bombing the question is going to affect the
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opinions of powerful powers like the u.s. and nato nations. the attack in damascus comes amid a major international gathering in new york where the ongoing crisis in syria is among the main topics being tackled in the arena of my as well in the un general assembly fawaz good to see them arena now how has the syrian crisis been addressed this time. well every speech that has been delivered to the u.n. general assembly thus far has included syria because clearly syria is a problem that has been growing over the past eighteen months and the u.n. secretary general said he said that it is a problem that cannot only wreak havoc on the people of syria but it could cause permanent regional instability if this crisis is not taken care of and brought under control the u.n.
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chief called for the international community to act quickly and not look the other way and also prevent arms from flowing to both sides of this syrian conflict now it was the french president first of all and most recently addressed the crisis in syria it was his first address to the u.n. general assembly and he also said he said among many things he said the syrian government. has no place among the international community and he called on the world body to immediately impose protections for syrian rebels that are occupying the northern part of the country u.s. president barack obama also addressed the issue of syria saying that the regime of the syrian president bashar al assad has come to an end hold on the world body to stand with the syrians who quote believe in a different vision that otherwise means the government opposition we do know the u.s. and western countries have supported the opposition groups from the very beginning
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in syria and have tried to push forward. the end of bashar al assad's government and forcing him to step down but brazil on the other hand it's interesting to note said that there is no military solution to the syrian crisis that this crisis can only be resolved through diplomacy and dialogue that is the best solution according to brazil and that's the solution that russia and china have been proposing for the past eighteen months which is why there has been. a division within the security council we should mention that russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov will be meeting with the joint special envoy to syria lakhdar brahimi very soon and they will be discussing the crisis that is ongoing and mr brahimi described it as a bad situation that is growing terribly worse right now speaking of the president obama's speech it was also an dissipated in connection to the growing anti-american sentiment in the muslim world what do you have to see on that. i think
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a large part of president obama's speech was to address this anti american sentiment that has been exploding in the past few weeks of course the u.s. government said that this was in a result of a you tube video that was posted on line was very critical of islam and criticized the prophet muhammad of president obama called the video cruel and disgusting but he said that he will defend america's constitutional principles on the freedom of expression and he said that even if those views are not ones that he agrees with or not once the majority of americans agree with us to always protect freedom of expression but he said that is the video was that video is not an excuse for violence and for killings and for a lot of demonstrations that are exploding throughout the arab world mr obama also said that those that are responsible for the attack in libya on the u.s.
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consulate that killed a u.s. ambassador and three other u.s. officials he said that the u.s. will find those perpetrators and bring them to justice. i'm sure they'll be more addresses to the u.n. assembly soon thank you very much marina who is in new york for us. rides and address all from across the atlantic the world's top whistleblower who is currently trapped at the ecuadorian embassy in london will have his own say in front of the u.n. general assembly watching those clues of brokaw's of his speech on wednesday right here on r.t. . i . think i was. right he was in charge you will be right back in just
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a few moments and stay with us. if you're passing through rushes to very gently you really can walk on the wild side thousands of kilometers of unspoilt countryside make up an area where it's still possible to live off the land and enterprising locals so the fruits of the forest by the side of nearly every road. such spectacular scenery makes it a paradise for fisherman and provides a business opportunity for hunt is. going on he has been hunting for more than thirty years and works for a company providing expeditions for tourists this season ducks are on the menu of. things a successful duck hunting. but a silence which means that i need to be very quiet on the right in the. office. but when you've been in the business as long as he has the birds
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don't stand much chance. there are defined hunting seasons in russia but lax enforcement means many animals are killed out of the allotted times which can leave young animals orphaned and unable to survive but environmentalists are fighting back the heart of just us forest provides a sanctuary for the most famous beast in russia it's home to a group who rescue often bear cubs and raise them when they're old enough to fend for themselves the cubs a target taken to a remote location and released back into the wild but it's not just bears who find a haven here this is wolf island here wolf pups have been captured by hunters or bought from zoos have a second chance at life and conservationists have a unique opportunity to observe them these walls are all around four months old and they'll stay in this area for up to three years then most will go back to the wild
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for good just viewing them from the car was an experience in itself but then after a bit of a bumpy ride came an opportunity i just couldn't pass up. and this is what i was hoping for when i heard i was coming to a place called wolf island a chance to get up close and personal with the locals and it's these guys are going to act as pasta parents for the next generation will come here. using the old rules a surrogate parents has already proved a successful technique. every i place infant wolves with one year old wolf cubs his parental instinct is totally shaped and they take them as their own cubs it's an important part of the world's development and a major factor in the success of a project which has seen more than twenty generations of cubs grow up here it's going to continue to take time and money to rehabilitate the wolf's reputation in russia. but the keepers here hope their research and dedication mean that wolf
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island remains a place where visitors can truly understand the call of the wild. wealthy british. market weiner. scandal find out what's really happening to the global economy with max kaiser there are no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser report on r g.
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good to have you back with us here on r.t. japan's worthwhile action in its territorial dispute with china and taiwan after using water cannons to repel approaching taipei vessels in contested waters allows for a lot of fishing boats backed by aide coast guard ships were forced to retreat from the region tokyo considers its own artist home botton takes us through the events. the dispute between japan and china over the islands in the east china sea has now expanded to include taiwan it all began when a taiwanese flotilla of fishing boats escorted by coast guard vessels set off to try and reinforce their claim to the islands however when they met with japanese coast guard vessels something of a giant water fight ensued. in the area surrounding the disputed islands the
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japanese coast guard vessels used their water cannon on the time when east fishing boats the thai winnie's coast guard vessels then turned their water cannon on the japanese ships a few hours after it all started the taiwanese vessels withdrew but all of this was watched by nearby chinese vessels that were waiting outside of the disputed waters the islands themselves or a small group of unpopulated rocky outcrops attention really began after it was thought that there may be large mineral resources in the surrounding waters japan has been holding meetings with china to try and calm that is spewed this latest tension began after japan bought the islands from a private owner and nationalize them that caused huge protests in a number of chinese cities china has made it clear that that japan should be under no illusion in the dispute and that it will accept no infringement it says of what
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it considers its territorial integrity taiwan japan and china all claim the islands as their own and there are other players including the us that have security interests in the region domestic politics in both china and japan are due to undergo large changes in the coming months and that puts pressure on the leaders there to show that they are not backing down all of which has led to fears that this dispute over these small islands could lead to some very big consequences. recovery and prosperity a european promise with a catch the snag being years of a steri tea and cuts but in britain if you're in the bottom half of the household income chart it looks like you don't have much to look forward to financially either way r.t. sarah further describes an economic recovery that may leave many behind. britain's
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in the midst of a double dip recession and everybody feeling the pinch or all of a chilling new research has revealed that the gap between britain's rich and poor is widening in fact if you're one of the middle income or low income families in the way to tighten your belt even further it's sort of by twenty twenty an average low income family could see their net income for by as much as fifteen percent i think is really worrying for low income households because it shows that we don't just have a growth problem if you like in the u.k. shows that even once growth kick in households across the bottom half are going to be poor in twenty twenty than they were in twenty or now also alarming about this latest research is that it's based on very generous assumptions about the future growth in britain now what that means is that even if person manages to repeat wait and see you get this boost to the economy to start slowly dragging its way out of this recession the not everybody is going to benefit and the ones who are going to be hardest hit going to be those middle income and low income families now in an
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age of austerity britain's government's been accused of waging war on britain's poor chancellor george osborne wants to cut a further ten billion from the welfare budget again having that knock on effect to the middle income low income families who need the support the most. right now back to our top story right now the ongoing standoff in madrid tens of thousands of people in the capital absent in parliament with attempts just on police barricades provoking a strong response from offices that's one jacob green's now who's at the heart of the protests he's live in madrid for us jacob good to see they always seeing angry scenes of breaking out there what can you tell us what's going on. this started as a peaceful demonstration that has seriously changed in the last half an hour now this is a mass with thousands in the square behind me but police have moved in on force and
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they've dispersed that crowd they're chasing down we've seen in suing clashes between protesters and police not calling number of people being detained in the process of this and the house being some injuries as well we've seen a few people being led away in ambulances quite heavily bunched up and what we have at present are two different groups two groups of protests that me currently him doing by police one to my left which you just see cornered off by quite a strong police presence and they are looking to my rights and these crowds at moment to be shouting comes are all weapons our homes our weapons i'll be sitting down in place now this is something that has disrupted was already supposed to be a peaceful protest so the message of people like phonographs especially organizers they were at least she wanted to surround the parliament but not enter the parliament and really get across a message of anti austerity against the cuts to health care soup stew funding and
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salaries and she hopes i was seeing some of that right typically amongst the unemployed and when we talk about unemployed in spain was twenty five percent of the population but it is affecting the youth those age below the age of twenty five they would be very vocal would be very. angry kid on the streets of the trick tonight we're also hearing. that's a budget for next year and may come out later this week and if it goes i still don't get any calls included in that budget that could be a response it's almost. obscene and it's noise. my jacob i mean we've we've seen those pictures way and police have cited clashing rady with protests says and it looks like as you said things have gone a little bit a little bit hey wait a day i mean oh a sols and police are there they've responded to this protest that has been
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tagged occupied congress and those class those protesters who were there they they've said that they want polman to dissolve they won new elections you know we've been following this story the whole evening. right and coming up in just a few minutes the kinds of reports where max and stacey will start chewing their way from britain's banks punishment from that. great juice and creative. elegance and full
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of public speech. a few european bodybuilders against millions of weak immigrants. it's may not seem so serious now. but this could be a real threat to. european extremists. who. will come to the place fish for a swimming bird you can catch both at the premier. of the summer check out a whole family of russian engineering feats of the ship's truly fly or just go with the flow and take in the view of the bay below but hold on there could be turbulence on board the plane it's only jet plane phelim are fed. up
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these. gritty take three. four charges. over a few months three. three stooges free. download free broadcast clothing video for your media projects and free video don carty dot com. backscratcher well the kaiser report back to cock up banks took up banks akaka banks the cock up that's the word of the day let me ask you something do you tune into this show because we ask questions about wall street shenanigans give you information about gold and silver another alternative currency is oh dear babs to
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call the cock up now that you've admitted it it's really too late for you you have failed the test station or max keiser take the test to see if you might be considered a potential terrorist by government officials max this is george washington's blog he's assembled a list of all the things that have been deemed suspicious by u.s. government officials that this includes writing out a piece of paper supporting ron paul being a libertarian supporting the gold standard being an environmentalist being against genetically modified organisms oh this is a suspicious activity. hate hate hate barack obama. i was suspicious but i'm just. yeah that's right if i question your engagement with the police state if i question your willingness to climb up my alimentary canal through my shrink friend examine everything i'm eating from the past twenty four hours that makes me suspicious character if i question the fact that you've got
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banks is running the show and jamie diamond scottish once long up your strange thing that makes me a question. well. let's get you know let's get it home where max all suspicious roods lead to a toll booth so whether it's the toll booth operated by big agriculture the toll booth operated by big pharma or the finance industrial complex or the military industrial complex if you have a problem with their toll booth then basically you go to guantanamo and get told both opening within told books to pay for the told what about prayer for example and grace grace is now big tall both because the i.m.f. and the troika did a leveraged buyout they loaded up with debt now they own the country now it's a big cold with everyone living in greece obama would have died in the streets thank you i am thank you crystal gordon thank you barack obama you are committing murder.


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